How effective is a 10 000 step challenge
and how Phystep makes it worthwile.

We are excited to share some incredible news with you! Phystep leggings, with integrated kinesiological tapes, are here to revolutionize your fitness journey. These leggings are not only stylish and comfortable but also come with a unique feature that will take your calorie-burning game to the next level. Let’s dive into the fantastic benefits of wearing Phystep leggings during the 10,000 Step Challenge:

  • Effortless Weight Loss

Shedding those extra pounds doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. By committing to the 10,000 Step Challenge, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can achieve your weight loss goals. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a powerful way to boost your metabolism and burn calories. And when you do it while wearing our supportive Phystep leggings, you’ll maximize your calorie burn and make weight loss feel effortless.

  • Toned Thighs and Legs

Say goodbye to flabby thighs and hello to beautifully sculpted legs! Walking is already an excellent exercise for toning your lower body, but with Phystep leggings, you’ll take your results to a whole new level. The integrated kinesiological tapes provide targeted support and muscle activation, helping you achieve firm and defined thighs. Get ready to show off those toned legs with confidence!

  • Improved Cardiovascular Health

Your heart is at the core of your well-being, and taking care of it is crucial. Walking, especially as part of the 10,000 Step Challenge, is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation. By participating in this challenge with Phystep leggings, you’ll not only boost your cardiovascular fitness but also reduce the risk of heart disease and increase your overall endurance. It’s a win-win for your heart and your legs!

  • Boosted Energy and Mood

We all know that physical activity does wonders for our mental well-being, and walking is no exception. Engaging in the 10,000 Step Challenge, while wearing Phystep leggings, releases those feel-good endorphins that uplift your mood and boost your energy levels. Experience a natural high that will keep you motivated and focused on your fitness goals. Let Phystep leggings be your fitness companion, empowering you to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Get ready to transform your fitness journey with Phystep leggings. They are designed to enhance your performance, provide support, and amplify your calorie-burning potential. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to achieve your weight loss, toning, and cardiovascular goals.

Remember, Phystep leggings are more than just workout gear. They are your partner in fitness, helping you reach new heights every step of the way. Order your pair of Phystep leggings today and unlock the full potential of your fitness journey!

Wishing you health, happiness, and success in your fitness endeavors.

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here's some faq's

Front thighs: m.quadriceps femoris (consists of: rectus femoris (middle), vastus lateralis (outer side) and vastus medialis (inner side).

Back hamstrings (consists of m.semimembranosus (inner side), m.semitendinosus (middle) and m.biceps femoris (outer side).

These are the exact muscle that are being stimulated and forced to work up to 20% more using PHYSTEP leggings.

You always lose calories due to your metabolism.
However, you will not lose additional calories, even if you wear PHYSTEP leggings while doing nothing. 
HOWEVER, our leggings do pressure your muscles even while sitting so it still has an effect. Even if you do not lose additional calories, your muscles will passively be toned into a better shape.

You will lose weight only if your daily calorie intake is less than what your body needs.

It is GUARANTEED that PHYSTEP leggings will make you lose more calories, however, if you still continue to take up more calories then spend – you will never lose weight.
If, for example, you were spending the exact same amount of calories every day that you were taking in, then with the addition of PHYSTEP you will gradually start losing weight.

Good luck! 🙂

We certainly will, however, this currently is our only model.

No, there is a significant difference between compression and muscle stimulation (phystep).

Compression relieves muscles and improves blood circulation.

Phystep stimulates muscles with the help of our design protected technology. This allows the wearer to burn calories instead of relieve muscles after training. 

None of the compression technologies allows muscle stimulation making Phystep innovative compared to others.

Yes, Phystep leggings effect is almost unnoticable and is very effective for people on tight schedules when they wish to find more calorie burning methods.

Therefore, wearing phystep to the office is very effective.

Appart from that, you can wear Phystep pretty much anywhere, whenever you are looking to burn more calories.

Keep in mind that it is not suggested to wear Phystep leggings while swimming. 

Phystep is great for running!
Immagine running 10km but burning calories as if you had just run 12km?

That is Phystep. With these leggings you will increase the calorie consumption by up to 20%.

Please contact us via and we will help you find your perfect size.

With Phystep, it is very important to choose the correct size, since the leggings have to be a tighter fit in order to make them most effective!

have some questions?

Let us know anything you have to ask. Maybe some suggestions – we will gladly look into it! 

have some questions?

Let us know anything you have to ask. Maybe some suggestions – we will gladly look into it!