Hi, I am Agris Muskars and a while back I came up with the idea of PHYSTEP leggings.
But this is not about me. It’s about how the project came to be, and all the beautiful people who helped to turn this project into a reality.
It was the winter of 2021, Riga, Latvia, and after a long day at work, it was time for yet another long workout. I remember looking at the mirror and thinking – I have to sit in the same place for the whole day, and make up for it in a difficult workout during evenings which I would much rather spend with my wife Anastasia. Is there really no way to make up for it differently?
And then it struck me. I knew that kinesiological taping does wonders for your muscles – so, is it possible to make my muscles work more intensely?
The same evening I called my friend and now a colleague Aiga who is a physiotherapist and works with kinesiological tapes on a daily basis. The question was simple – can you make me lose more calories with your tapes?

The answer was just what I was hoping for – yes, instead of stabilizing your muscles (what usually taping does) it is possible to apply more pressure on muscles!
The news were great, so I decided to put the tapes on for a day and experience the difference. And it was exactly what I hoped for. I felt my muscles work more intensely the whole day and did not feel any “weakness” in muscles after sitting for hours straight. Rather, I had a refreshing feeling in my legs.
Next up was deciding how to apply this in a more accessible manner.
A perfect candidate to test the idea! Accessible, popular, worn pretty much anywhere, and tight enough to provide the effect needed.
Of course, it turned out to be a lot more difficult then we could expect… Right materials, how to even apply the tapes, will it last, how does the effect compare with original kinesiological tapes, research.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: testing, testing, testing, testing… you get the idea, right?
Obviously, nothing comes easy. Especially when you build something new. Does that mean you should give up? Nah, of course not!
It took us almost 6 months to get to our first real model that we tested, and another member, and a good friend of ours joined our team – Veranika. And so, our team came to be – me, Anastasia as my wife, Aiga as a Physio and Veranika as the manager!
Finally, almost 10 months after the original idea had struck, our finalized model came to be. We knew it works – we tested it. We knew it lasts – we tested it. We knew we used some of the best materials we could find – ECO nylon speaks for itself.
It is time PHYSTEP brings something good to others as well!